Rocking Horse Works
Chat to Alison: 07951 118207
For a price guideline for a full restoration measure your horse from the floor to the top of his or her head.
Height floor to head
Small horse from £1180
< 31inches <79cm
Medium horse from £1580
31-38 inches 79-97cm
Large horse from £1780
39-44 inches 99-112cm
Ex large horse from £1980
45-53 inches 114-135cm
We offer a collection and delivery service at sensible prices.
Please call, email or write to us for a free quotation
Can include:
Paint work and joint repair from £700
Mane and tail from £400
Bridle-nailed or removable from £180
Saddle, fixed traditional from £250
Saddle, removable pony style £380
Stirrup leathers and irons from £100
Stand repairs and varnish from £300
Rocking Horse Workshop, Tyrley Lane, Tyrley
Shropshire TF9 2AQ
Phone +44 1630 653194
Chat +44 7951 118207
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